
Thershusercommandandthershddaemonprovidetheremotecommandshellprotocol,allowinguserstoopenashellonacompatibleforeignhostforrunning ...,TheShell(RSH)ProtocolAgentmanagesRemoteShellconnectionsandallowsNATmodificationstothestandardoutput(stdout)stream.,Thersh(remoteshell)programwasatoolforremotelyrunningacommandonaremotecomputer.IthassincebeensupersededbySSHprotocol.,TheRemoteShellProtocol(RSH)isa...

Remote Shell Protocol

The rsh user command and the rshd daemon provide the remote command shell protocol, allowing users to open a shell on a compatible foreign host for running ...

Define Shell (RSH) Protocol parameters

The Shell (RSH) Protocol Agent manages Remote Shell connections and allows NAT modifications to the standard output (stdout) stream.

Overview of the Remote Shell RSH

The rsh (remote shell) program was a tool for remotely running a command on a remote computer. It has since been superseded by SSH protocol.

RSH command—Execute a command on a remote host ...

The Remote Shell Protocol (RSH) is a remote execution client similar to REXEC that enables you to execute a command on a remote host and receive the results on ...


Remote Shell (RSH) protocol is used for remote command execution. It is less secure than TFTP and uses TCP port 514. RSH is not secure because passwords are not ...

Remote Shell

The remote system to which rsh connects runs the rsh daemon (rshd). The daemon typically uses the well-known Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port number 513 ...


遠端外殼(英語:remote shell,縮寫:rsh)是一個命令列介面的電腦程式,可以作為另一個使用者在電腦網路中的另一台電腦上執行shell命令。 rsh連接的遠端系統執行 ...

What is remote shell?

The RSH protocol enables execution of commands without authentication if they come from a trusted device, the IP address of which can be spoofed by attackers.

第十三章、遠端連線伺服器Telnet SSH VNC XDMCP RSH

簡單的來說,SSH 是Secure SHell protocol 的簡寫,他可以經由將連線的封包加密的技術, 來進行資料的傳遞,因此,資料當然就比較安全囉!這個 SSH 可以用來取代Internet ...